Halloween Safety Tips for Dogs

Pet Influencer CarrieAnn MonteLeon

Halloween can be a fun holiday for the family, but it can also pose numerous risks to your dog. Here are some essential safety tips to keep your dog safe during Halloween. Many dogs end up in veterinary emergency hospitals during this holiday!

Keep Candy Out of Reach

Halloween treats, especially chocolate and candy containing xylitol, are highly toxic to dogs. Small amounts can cause severe reactions, such as vomiting, seizures, or even death. Make sure to store all candy securely in a place where your dog cannot access it. Educate children about the dangers of feeding candy to pets and have your veterinarian’s contact information readily available in case of an emergency.

Create a Calm Environment

With the constant doorbell ringing, loud noises, and costumed strangers, Halloween can be overwhelming for dogs. To reduce anxiety, you can either create a quiet, secure space or crate your dog - in a separate room. Consider playing soothing music or using a white noise machine to mask the noise Keeping your dog indoors during peak trick-or-treating hours can also prevent them from bolting or getting away. Please tighten and secure your dog’s collar before taking them out on Halloween. Make sure their collar cannot slip off of their ears.

Ensure Proper Identification

With doors frequently opening, there is an increased risk of your dog escaping. Make sure they have a collar with up-to-date identification tags and microchipping. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that Halloween is a safe and enjoyable day for everyone.

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