Happy New Year to You, Your family and Your Best Friend

Pet Influencer CarrieAnn MonteLeon

Hopefully we are all waking up with a sense of excitement and anticipation for the new year ahead of us, possibly thinking about the things that we want to accomplish and making some plans to possibly change some things up.

Speaking of making plans, so many people want to either enjoy taking their dog for a walk, the beach, or going big and bold, and taking your dog on vacation with you/or with the family.

However, upon immediate refl ection, you remember the last time that you tried any of those things, and they did not pan out the way you envisioned in your mind.

I get calls, every day from people, who have stopped inviting friends over because of their dog’s behaviors; and from those who will only walk their dogs at odd hours, because of their dogs reactivity or pulling in every direction, and from those who took their dog with them away for the weekend, and then became the unwelcome guests for future visits with their dog.


As the new year is upon us, it may be a great time to add your best friend and their relationship with you, to your resolutions list.

We all want to have an amazing relationship with our dogs, but as I tell my clients, without focus or communication,

there isn’t a true partnership or bond in the relationship, which would help your dog change, so your dog acts autonomously, despite our best efforts to change their unwanted behaviors.

If you are already thinking about the spring or the summertime and want to include your dog in your plans, possibly travel, or you just would love to have “that amazing“ dog, reach out to us!

Wishing you and yours a New Year filled with Health, Laughter and Prosperity in all things, big and small.

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